August 26, 2015

Severna Park Voice – The State of Severna Park: Commercial Development

Park-PlazaLong before Severna Park was bedecked with an array of medical facilities, myriad shops and massive steel girders standing in place of a new high school, it was an agrarian area with chicken farms devoid of cluster development. Change is an inevitable part of every community, and to pay homage to the people and places that make Severna Park the area it has become, the Voice started a series that examines how the area has changed in the last 50 years and where it stands now, while also asking longtime residents to share their outlook for the future. The first installment of the series is on commercial development. Check future issues for stories on education, the environment and more.

When F. Scott Jay was 10 years old, he would strap on lumberjack boots that straddled his knees, grab his hatchet and knife, and head into the pine forest by Robinson Road to play with friends. During his teen years, he could leave Severna Park High in the afternoon and venture to Dawson’s Variety Store, where he could purchase a 15-cent hot fudge sundae or a Coca Cola for 5 to 10 cents.

Severna Park Voice Article

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